October 03, 2007


Hello! This is an appeal for ideas. You know the game Mafia? My young teens LOVE it! I'm wondering if any of you might know of a game like Mafia that teenagers might like? I'm sure they'll get sick of it soon enough and I have no idea what to do with them then... Eek! My young teen are adorable, but the older ones are a pain in the ass! Well, only 5 of them, but still...

Teaching is so exhausting! I love my last class of the day and it's a great way to end each day. Plus, planning for them is great because I know them well enough now to know what they like and what they don't like. I think I'm getting there with the morning class too. They intimidate me a little though... I don't know if I'll ever get used to the teenagers... Goodness! I hope I get tot he point where I enjoy teaching here. I did at the end of my course.

I think I'm just having a bad day... :-S


Anonymous said...

Just be patient ma,this is only your 2nd week.Get advise from the older teachers as to handling the kids.They also need to get to know you better as well.Get their attention first by doing something they like instead of boring lessons.U can browse through these websites for games:-www.playaddictingwebgames.com and www.miniclip.com .Take care n gui gui.

Anonymous said...

I teach a teenage Sunday School class, and they love (I mean LOVE) the game pairs - you know where you turn over cards and they have to remember where they are to make a pair. You can buy them in Au Naturale for £1.50 but you probably don't have that shop. You could make your own version. I don't know if it would work with a whole class. I only have 5...