February 25, 2006

Ta-ta for now!

Hello! Just to let you know that I won't be blogging for absolutely ages cos I have to go in for major surgery on Thursday. I'll be admitted on Wed morning and have to stay for a week. It won't be keyhole surgery, so I don't know how long I'll be in bed for after. I'd really appreciate it if you prayed for my family in Malaysia who are feeling quite helpless right now, my mum and me.

If anyone wants to visit me, I'll be in the Royal Infirmay Surgical Block Ward 24. Visiting hours are 2.30-3.30pm and 7-8pm.

Also, I've had to withdraw from my course and postpone my trip to Japan because of it, so you have me here for much longer!

February 21, 2006

And the winner is... [drum roll]

Boyd Orr! Woohoo!

(I think the last count was 3 - 1??)

Anyways... Since Adam loves his name so much, I've decided to name my minging child Boyd Adam Orr. :-)

Now I just want to get better...

February 15, 2006

Something cheery for a change!

Last night I remembered a conversation I had with Mans about moose-shaped cookie cutters and was, well, filled with child-like excitement as I do with most things... So I thought I would share the joy with you! Plus, I think I've had enough of my evil twin/minging baby/cystoid so here's a moose and the cookie cutter. See if you can tell the difference:

February 14, 2006


Hey, has anyone actually looked at the picture yet? Or rather pictures. Are the red lines all over the bag nerves or veins? And how does a cyst have a pulse of it's own? Any of you medics know?
Can you tell I'm curious?

And on a nicer note - and I nearly forgot:
Happy Valentine's Day!
Steph tip: If you need to smile, put on Spitting Games by Snow Patrol. I'm listening to it right now and it's lovely. :-)

February 13, 2006


I'm not going to post it cos it's disgusting, but those who haven't recently eaten and have a strong disposition or stomach may click on this link for a picture of a dermoid cist. Be prepared to be grossed out!

And FYI: Boyd Orr 2 Adam Smith 0

PS: Us honorary CU people are very special - I mean, we can grow gross things in our belly. Amazing! [heehee!!]

Yuck! Yuck! Yuck!

Ok, seriously, if you don't find really gross stuff amusing, please DO NOT READ on. However, if like me you laugh even though you're completely grossed out, then read on:

I was looking on the internet for more information on ovarian cysts. First thing I found out was that it's spelled 'cyst' and not 'cist' - sorry medics! And here's info on the type I have:

'Dermoid cysts: The cells in the ovary are able to make hair, teeth, and other growing tissues that become part of a forming ovarian cyst. These cysts can become large and cause pain.'

And from what I can feel, it's got a very distinguishable pulse. Euuuuuuuugh! So let's have it: Boyd Orr or Adam Smith?

February 12, 2006

Some news

Hello! I thought I should let you know that I will be going in for surgery in a few weeks because I have an ovarian cist. Those who don't know about them should ask their nearest medic, cos it's just too much for a silly blog. I am fit and well other than looking either six months pregnant or fat, whichever you choose to see. ;-) And that is due to the fact that the cist is now the size of a six month old foetus. Lovely! I met the surgeon while I was in the Southern General - oh, I was in hospital for three days, but only for tests and scans and stuff - and he's really lovely. He's got a moustache that's furry and makes him look like a walrus. He's like a big grandad! :-) He told me that the kind of cist I have contains random tissue like hair and other odd stuff that should not be inside. Exciting!

So here's what I want you to do: I'm really amused about the idea of looking like I'm pregnant and I'm going to take full advantage when I can. So my cist is my little baby that is full of mingingness. I've decided to name it, but I can't decide between Boyd Orr or Adam Smith. Which one is more minging?! I don't know how to make a poll, so you'll have to cast your vote through posts I'm afraid.

I'll find out in a couple of weeks about when I'll be going in, so I'll let you know. :-) I'm going to be a mother of mingingness! Amazing! [giggles]

February 06, 2006


Just to make last post clear:
Everyone is wonderful because everyone has been gifted! Truthfully! God saw you and thought "I'm brilliant for making (insert name here)!" :-)

I think it's great that even a wee hamster in its little cute, furry, Henry-like way is an example of the glory of God.

Just in case you'd forgotten...

February 05, 2006

I'm smiling...

- doctors, teachers, nurses, pilots, technicians, and other such driven, talented, technically amazing people are in the world because God decided to gift them in such ways
- my minister gave amazing teaching on creation vs evolution (2 part sermon on CD if anyone wants a listen)
- I got to see friends that I dearly love and haven't seen for months for coffee and around about uni
- despite there being a lot of pain and suffering in the world, there is a lot of love and for that I am most thankful.

And now on to analysing the future tense... :-)