August 23, 2010


I don't know if you have been praying for me, but it's been a while since I wrote about what's been going. Maybe you're interested in knowing how it's going... I don't know...

So, praise God, I've got my health insurance sorted out. The confirmation came today. I have had quite a few classes from Linguarama, so I've had enough money. So far, my last pay cheque looks like it will actually last until I get paid by Linguarama. Tomorrow is my first of 2 interviews for more freelance work. On Wed I'm going with one of the deacons of my church to pension place to talk to them about my payments. If you're praying for me, please pray for my interviews and the dealing with the pension payment, that I can get an affordable payment.

That's a lot to praise God for actually because things were looking quite bleak for me before. Now they're looking quite good. Of course they are difficult, but this was kinda what I was expecting because I was pretty sure that God wanted me to stay here.

As for what God's teaching me, I think he's teaching me about being a good steward. I mean in terms of what he's given me, so my flat, time, health, work, gifts, etc.. So far, I've been putting it into practise in terms of keeping my flat tidy. Now, I haven't been perfect with it of course. But my flat is much tidier than it was just a few months ago. And I've even started ironing my clothes!! Once every 2 weeks, but still. To save money I've started cooking once a week. I'm not eating my lunch out anymore. I can't believe just how much money that saves.

I've also been more careful with what I eat and I'm trying to get into the habit of doing exercise 2 or 3 times a week. I'm really actually starting to get convicted about the amount of junk food Christians eat and how much our socialising revolves around food. It's really weird how many overweight and even obese people are in the Church. Gluttony seems to be one of the sins that it overlooks... Anyway, I'm aware I'm overweight. Thankfully, not in such a bad way and not so far that it will affect my health, but if I don't watch what I eat and do some exercise, that might be lead to me becoming obese would not be being a good steward of my body. I'm not aiming to lose weight though, only because I don't want to be obsessed with it and let it become an idol.

I've been thinking about being a good steward in terms of money too. I know in terms of rent, bills and social security the total will come to €1100. This month's income is almost the same as it has been for the last year, but I may get more. So, I'm hoping that I'll be able to save some money. What is really on my heart is being able to tithe again or actually just tithing. What I did before was set aside that 10% and ask God what He wanted me to do with it and I really want to start doing that again.

This last thing is not really about being a good steward. But this is something that is growing in my heart. I really want to do something about the lack of women's ministry at my church. I mean, there is in terms of mothers and babies and an au pair bible study, but it's not quite the same. Cornerstone church and my small group have been going through Titus and the part about older women getting alongside younger women has really challenged me. I have met a couple of really great women at church, but not many older women and I miss the love and influence of an older woman in my life. I am really praying about setting up a forum where the women at the church can come together and get to know each other with the aim of them then pairing off into discipleship pairs. I don't even know if that's possible. I should speak to my pastor. Also, I'm hoping to keep praying about it and then as the women's retreat approaches in October, to then speak to the him about it. If he's ok with it, I'll bring it up with the women at the retreat. Maybe it'll be on some of their hearts already, or maybe not. But I want to keep thinking and praying about it.

I can't believe how much has changed in the last 6 or 7 months since I started going back to church. God is really working. Of course I haven't been so disciplined with bible study and praying, but I'm getting better. At least, I hope so... God's been good. Things have seemed almost impossible, but God has provided people to help. He's been good to me.

1 comment:

s* said...

encouraging to hear how God's been providing for you and what He's been teaching ....and good reminders about stewardship...think we all need that kind of encouragement take the steps there in front of us...i know i do...yeah, i think Christians in the east may make those kind of observations about's been on my mind/heart that as Body of Christ we should pray/fast more together as well as individually...but that also means being prepared to let Him refine us which is hard...:-s