August 04, 2010

I wrote this a while ago... Sorry.

So, first of all, I should let you all know that my Kindergarten job fell through. I found out 2 Thursdays ago. I never had to write to them and tell them I was no longer interested in their position.

At first, I was in a bit of a panic because my social security payments were going to be too high. I've since been able to find a cheaper health insurance and someone from church is going to help me to find out if I can pay a cheaper, income based premium for the state pension because in my opinion €508.45 per month is far too expensive. Also, I didn't have as much work as I would need to survive this month. Since the middle of last week, I now have enough work to get me the same amount of money as I would've got normally, though I have to do half the amount of work. I also have an interview lined up for the end of August for more freelance work. When I get back to Munich, I'll have more time to look into more schools to work for.

To be honest, I've been greatful for not getting this kindergarten position. I wasn't at first. I was freaking out! I even considered leaving Munich, but as it turned out, I didn't have enough money to leave and take all my stuff back with me. Also, I would be leaving to nothing. I never had a direct, voice from heaven sign that God wanted me to stay in Munich, but it just seemed to make sense. I mean, this is the first time in a long time that I feel settled in a church. It took a long time to get to know people and I am still getting to know people, but now I have people I can call some people friends at church and I'm in the process of making more. I've also just started going to a small group. It is, however, breaking up for the summer, but still. That's really only going to be for a month and I think they will still be meeting up - albeit for more social events. Still, that'll be a good place to get to know those people. :)

Also, it's been great the amount of help and support I've gotten. This guy from church I hardly know, but he wants to help people deal with government stuff, is helping me with pension stuff. And my friend Donna put me in touch with this independent consultancy that specialises in finding reasonable health insurance.

Most of all, this experience is teaching me to trust people again. It's been so hard dealing with people since I left Glasgow at the end of 2007, but now I'm beginning to see that there are people I can trust again. I've been praying a lot about forgiveness and learning to love people again. I must say, I am beginning to see the results. I am also beginning to feel more like myself again. I suppose that makes sense since we are fully ourselves as we were meant to be only in Jesus. It feels good.

Thanks for all of your prayers. It definitely has made settling back into church and working on a relationship with God again the easiest thing about this year. Of course, it hasn't been easy, but when I was thinking about going back to church again this time last year, it just seemed so insurmountable and it hasn't been as difficult as I thought it would be. Thank you.

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