August 23, 2011

Sorry for shamelessly posting a prayer request on my blog, but why not. The more people praying the better, right?

Here's the background. In April, I looked after my boss's cats and stayed at her flat. She was on a business trip. Everything was fine when I left, but when she came back, there was a crack in her ceramic stove top and it gradually became so bad that it cracked all the way across the stove top. As it wasn't damaged before she left and I didn't take a photo of the stove top before I left, it looks like I did it and therefore I am liable to pay for the damage and repair costs.

My boss has tried to use her third party liability insurance and her home contents insurance, but neither of these has agreed to cover the costs and so it is up to me. My stance has been that I am willing to pay, but the problem is that I am not in a position to pay the whole amount at once. Right now, work is very slow - I'm freelance, so I get paid only when there is work - and I have just about enough money for all my regular costs and not much extra.

My boss has given my email address to her landlord and I am hoping to negotiate a repayment plan. Please pray that we will be able to come to an agreement that I can afford and if not, that I will trust that God knows all about this and that He will provide for me. I'd really appreciate your prayers, as I really don't know where the extra money will come from. Thanks! :)

1 comment:

s* said...

thanks for sharing...will bring it before Him just now. God bless.