February 12, 2006

Some news

Hello! I thought I should let you know that I will be going in for surgery in a few weeks because I have an ovarian cist. Those who don't know about them should ask their nearest medic, cos it's just too much for a silly blog. I am fit and well other than looking either six months pregnant or fat, whichever you choose to see. ;-) And that is due to the fact that the cist is now the size of a six month old foetus. Lovely! I met the surgeon while I was in the Southern General - oh, I was in hospital for three days, but only for tests and scans and stuff - and he's really lovely. He's got a moustache that's furry and makes him look like a walrus. He's like a big grandad! :-) He told me that the kind of cist I have contains random tissue like hair and other odd stuff that should not be inside. Exciting!

So here's what I want you to do: I'm really amused about the idea of looking like I'm pregnant and I'm going to take full advantage when I can. So my cist is my little baby that is full of mingingness. I've decided to name it, but I can't decide between Boyd Orr or Adam Smith. Which one is more minging?! I don't know how to make a poll, so you'll have to cast your vote through posts I'm afraid.

I'll find out in a couple of weeks about when I'll be going in, so I'll let you know. :-) I'm going to be a mother of mingingness! Amazing! [giggles]

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