February 15, 2006

Something cheery for a change!

Last night I remembered a conversation I had with Mans about moose-shaped cookie cutters and was, well, filled with child-like excitement as I do with most things... So I thought I would share the joy with you! Plus, I think I've had enough of my evil twin/minging baby/cystoid so here's a moose and the cookie cutter. See if you can tell the difference:


Anonymous said...

Sorry Stef, seems like people prefer to be disgusted than to think about nice things.

This is a trick question isn't it? The one on the left is the real moose?! It must be at the winter olympics in Italy and it has been snowing a lot so it's all white and you can only make out its outline.

Ohh, grammar queen, answer me this.. "its" as in the possessive like above is "it's" or just "its" or does it not really exist?

lil stef said...

Its = belonging to it
It's = it is

It's ok, I think the subject of the cyst is dead really. Nothing more can be said. Unfortunately though,I nowfeelso unwell I can't go to classes. :-( What a big jobby!