April 05, 2012


So, as I mentioned in my post yesterday, I had to move again. Two weeks ago I moved into this flat near Giesing Bahnhof, Munich. The room is 3 square metres smaller, but it just makes it cosier. I have now completely unpacked and now am waiting to see if I can get a new computer. It all depends on whether I can get a German bank to approve the financing, since I am a freelancer here. Funny, the monthly payments are only €67, but still, they're making a fuss... Well, we'll see.

Last Saturday, I went to Ikea and got some things for my flat - one thing being a desk - and now it's just like I wanted it to be. Yes, it's a little messy, but I would like to think that that makes it look 'lived in'. :)

Well, I have to say that this room is something that I am really grateful for. Also, since the rent here is almost half what I was paying before, this is the first time in four years that my shelf in the fridge is full. I have been able to eat fresh fruit and veg every day since I moved in. It really is great and I really am grateful for it.

Maybe this all seems so simple and basic, but I guess that's what I am. I really think that if you're happy at the simple, basic level, then you can always be content. I am especially content because I know that, though it was a very unpleasant circumstance that brought me here, I can say with Joseph in Gen 50:20 that God meant it for good. And not just my good, but also the good of my flatmate Birgit, who goes to church and believes in God, but isn't really sure about it all. After just two weeks, she is already asking me a lot of questions about what I think, what I believe and why. So, I was meant to be here. It's good all around. :)

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