Hello! Once again I hope that those of you who read this blog will pass on the information to my other friends. Thanks!
Yesterday I found out that my chemotheraphy will start a lot sooner than I expected and will be a lot more intense than I was informed last week. It'll start on 10 April and I'll be admitted into the Beatson Oncology Centre of the Western Infirmary for 3 days to get my first administration of chemotheraphy. Doesn't sound very nice as I was told last week that it'd only be a day treatment at Gartnavel every three weeks. But ah well! I'm not sure if I'll have to be admitted for three days every third week. I assume so though.
I'm still ok about it all, don't worry. I am a bit surprised because Dr Davis and Sister Bredin seemed sure it wouldn't be at the Beatson, so I was expecting to hear what they'd said to be re-iterated by Dr Reed. Well, at least the Beatson will be a lot easier to get to from where I live than Gartnavel. :-)
The only other news is that I'm going to shave my head on 8 April and that Chris Hoy is taking me to see V for Vendetta tonight. I did want to donate my hair to make wigs for kids with cancer, but it's too short. Minumum donation length has to be 8 inches! Ah well...
Well, maybe extreme nastiness can be a side effect...?
I mean could...
hey girl:) Your ability with modern technology is forceing me into the 21st century at last so here I am. I think you look fabulous with your new head!! I liken it to puppy hair, smmoth and sofy but simultaneeously a little bit spikey!! I've started on a hat for you. . .are you excited??!!
oops, I am too hasty in my typing and the last one made no sense. oops.x
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