December 09, 2005


[ai-sat-suh]- greeting, salutation

So, back to Japanese... I realised that I really haven't taught you anything useful like how to say hello... So here are some greetings for you. You probably already know a couple of them ;-):

ohayo (gozaimsu) [ohio (go-zai-mass)] - good morning (add for addressing your seniors - no jokes about my age, Breakey!)
konnichwa - good afternoon/day; hello
konbanwa [con-ban-wa] - good evening
oyasumi nasai [o-ya-su-mi-na-sai] - goodnight
sayonara - goodbye
(domo) arigato (gozaimasu) - (very much) thank you (polite)
dō itashimashite [doe-i-ta-shi-mash-tay] - you're welcome

There you go. Introductions are next. Will leave that for Monday. It's Friday today and we're putting up Christmas decorations in t'office this afternoon. :-)

PS I know Christina, and other language geeks like us, will enjoy the multi-language dictionary. It has Malay in it!! But no Tamil till "I Love You". Heehee! So funny reading Malay and being able to understand a language I haven't spoken since I was 10!

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