December 01, 2005


If you're particularly observant, you will notice that my title has changed once again. That's because last night I discovered that adjectives precede nouns in Japanese just like in English. Ah well... I'm only learning myself, and we don't cover grammar till chapter 14, though my course only goes up to chapter 10. I'm guessing some of you already know that won't stop me from studying it anyway...

(If you're wondering how I figured out about adjectives preceding nouns if we haven't been taught it yet, well, I found out as I was reading through my textbook at work - on chapter 5, I must add. There you go.)

Anyway... Last night at Japanese lesson 8, we spent the whole evening practising katakana, which is one of the three Japanese writing systems. I tried to find a way of including it on this post, but I'll have to do it on another post on my wee ibook at home as it allows me to use Japanese characters on it since this PC doesn't. I have tried to provide you with a link to where you can see some Katakana, and if it works, yey! I've learnt something new and been able to implement it, thanks to Neal pointing me in the right direction. If it doesn't work... Well, we won't go there yet...

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